理学硕士 消防

什么是消防工程? “这是一个跨学科领域,源于新的火灾隐患的挑战,李静副教授说. “我们独特的项目提供工程培训,以及通过亨利C. 李大学.

Engineer the defeat of a destructive force of nature

火的狂暴毁灭生命, 房屋, 企业, 环境, 甚至历史,当它破坏不可替代的物品,如记录和文物. 另一种自然力量, 水, 是它的衰落吗?, 但有一种更成熟的攻击方法——应用科学和工程原理来预防, 抑制, 或者减轻火灾. That’s where 消防 Engineers come in.

我们的米.S. 消防工程专业让你沉浸在化学的科学应用中, 物理, and principles of civil and mechanical engineering to prevent and 抑制 fires. 它还会让你对火灾科学和火灾动力学有一个广泛的了解——火灾是如何开始的,以及它们的行为和传播方式. 通过了解火的行为, 你可以分析潜在的风险并设计解决方案,从一开始就防止火灾的发生.

因为拯救生命是最重要的, 您还将了解到人类的动态,以及人们在火灾事件中的行为,以及如何在消防员进行疏散时将烟雾和热量保持在可生存的水平.

在节目的最后, you will be qualified to work as a 消防 Engineer, a critical member of a multi-disciplinary team of other engineers. You also will be the go-to person for architects, 业主, and developers during the planning and designing stages, helping to determine what materials and fire protection systems to use. 在一次重大火灾事件之后, 你将成为调查人员/分析师,确定什么地方出了问题,为什么出了问题,以及如何帮助确保问题不再发生.

该计划还帮助您准备参加工程基础考试(FE考试),以获得您的培训工程(EIT)许可证-这是成为有执照的专业工程师(P.E.) . 如果你有资格成为P.E.,你的职业机会的广度和你的赚钱能力将大大增加.


The Internet of Things streamlined and simplified operations for buildings. All the systems that make a building function — heating, 通风, 空调, 照明, 安全, 消防安全系统, and more — can be digitally connected and controlled. 对于消防工程师来说,物联网可以通过早期检测和传输其他关键信息来帮助他们,否则它可能会崩溃成一个史诗般的失败. 想想网络攻击. Add such 燃烧-prone items as lithium-ion batteries to the mix, along with the plethora of new building codes and safety regulations, 现在消防安全专业人员面临着历史上最大的挑战.

我们的课程强调设计, 分析, 对消防系统进行建模,并对智能建筑等快速发展的情况进行风险分析, 制造工厂, 数据中心, 实验室, 而能源储存设施将使你具备领先技术一步的技能,使建筑物高效运转,同时呈现潜在的安全故障完美风暴.

Learn 消防 工程 the hardcore way. 练习它.

There’s no substitute for rigorous, first-hand experience. Practice is the ultimate teacher, so it’s embedded into the 程序.

We specifically designed the courses to be experiential and collaborative. 例如, you will learn to conduct real fire phenomenon measurements, 比如温度, 火焰高度, 烟密度, 羽流速度, 火焰蔓延, 热释放速率.

一个研究项目, 实习, 你的论文是这个项目的巅峰之作,它将为你成为雇主所寻找的领导者做好准备, whether your career leads you to the industry or academia.

What makes you a perfect fit for this 程序

This is a STEM 程序, and we designed it with three types of graduates in mind:

  • those who earned an engineering bachelor’s degree from a college of engineering
  • 获得消防工程学士学位的学生. 李大学
  • 数学能力强的人, 具有物理和化学技能,在法医学或物理学等领域获得学士学位


According to a 2019 survey by the Society of 消防 Engineers (SFPE), the average full-time fire protection engineering salary is $118,800. Here are some other positions, with their salaries.




消防 Engineer (entry-level)**



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  • 本课程详细分析了控制火灾及其产物在结构内的生长和蔓延的因素和物理过程. Includes a review and an evaluation of national, 状态, and local fire loss data leading to the development of fire prevention strategies.

  • Students will examine the basic organic chemistry, 燃烧, and explosive properties of flammable materials. 他们将研究火灾和爆炸背后的化学原理,以及各种合成材料及其燃烧产物的化学性质. 并将探讨用于灭火的阻燃材料和化学品.

  • 本课程向学生介绍不同的实验测量技术,以定量地了解分析方法,以解决基本火灾现象的问题. Topics include the understanding and measurements of temperature, 火焰, CO / CO2, 耗氧量热法, 热通量, 极限氧指数, 光学测温法, 以及点火参数.

  • Designed for students with basic to intermediate level CAD software experience, this course will take their skill to the next level. 绘图练习广泛用于演示先进绘图工具的使用,并提供特定主题绘图的实践经验. 主题包括2D和3D绘图, 透视和轴测视图, 呈现, 自然和人工照明, 动态块, 布局和视窗, 标题块, 情节风格, 布局网格, 并修复有问题的图纸文件.

  • This course covers the application of systems analysis, 概率, 工程经济, and risk management techniques to the problem of fire. The basic principles of fire growth and spread in a building are also studied. Timelines will be established from the time of ignition to that of extinguishing. Students will also explore various emthods of modifying the timeline.

  • 本课程通过对输入数据进行一系列的案例研究,向学生介绍基于计算机的火灾建模-区域建模和计算流体动力学(CFD), 验证, 验证测试. Fire scene reconstruction will be emphasized. Basic 程序ming knowledge is recommended but not required.

  • 网赌上分平台提供各种各样的深度课程,为我们的学生创造一个转型的教育体验. 查看您在攻读消防工程理学硕士学位时将学习的课程的完整列表, 查看学术目录:


Learn from professors who are dedicated to your success.

我们的教师是各自领域的领导者和创新者,带来了深厚的专业经验 以及课堂上的学术严谨.



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所有网赌上分平台的学生都可以使用学校的许多资源 职业发展中心, which has been named one of the best in the nation by 普林斯顿评论.

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