在线理学硕士 反洗黑钱及合规调查

用M表示.S. 反洗钱和合规调查计划, you will acquire both the investigative knowledge and skills to find criminal activity and the expertise to know the legal, 监管, 还有起诉的问题.

金钱万能. 它有时也表现得很可疑.

用M表示.S. 反洗钱和合规调查计划, you will develop the high degree of financial acumen needed to recognize clues to a crime when you see them, 金钱失控的不同方式, 追踪其运动的能力, and the leadership skills to head up an investigations team to bring it all out into the open.

金融情报是否指向洗钱, 公司欺诈, 人口贩卖, 恐怖主义, or the one that’s as old as human history — the bribe — you will have the solid analytical, 报告编写, 以及演讲技巧, 以及团队建设人才, 被要求提供证据. 为了让它坚持下去.


  • 识别洗钱类型(硬货币和数字货币)
  • Identify the correct investigative tools and information sources used in investigations
  • 准备可疑活动报告(SARs)和其他报告
  • 分析调查的法律要求
  • 对调查进行评论

根据你的职业目标,你可以专注于一个特定的调查轨道. 有组织犯罪, 运动的完整性, 金融情报, 贩运人口, 和医疗欺诈只是你可以采取的一些方向.


A culminating capstone project will be your dress rehearsal for the job you land in the professional world. The project revolves around a case study using financial and cyber threat intelligence. You will review the data, process it, analyze it, and write a full report for your superiors.

You also will also have the opportunity to engage in student-led/faculty-supported research at our Cyber & 金融犯罪调查中心,该项目的合作伙伴. There isn’t another degree of this kind at any higher-education institution that has this close linkage to a functioning cyber and financial crimes fusion center.


The connections the 程序 maintains with the professional world are broad and deep — and are a rich source of potential employers. 这些只是我们合作的一些机构:

  • 国家刑事调查机构协会
  • 高科技罪案调查协会
  • 打击贩卖人口情报行动计划
  • 国际金融犯罪调查协会(IAFCI)
  • 全国医疗保健反欺诈协会

除了, we work with a number of financial institutions, cybersecurity firms, 以及联邦,州和地方执法部门. Other potential employers include private-sector investigation firms and private-sector advising firms.

你的位置? 调查员, 政策和合规官, 内部审查官是你可以扮演的一些主要角色. 调查人员招聘市场, 尤其是有国际知识和金融情报专长的人, is extremely robust as international criminal activity spreads its tentacles over most of the planet.



灵活性: 基于经验, 以前的教育和/或职业目标, 学生可以用其他课程代替必修的核心课程, 基本上, 一个“建立自己的学位”的概念.

转移学分: 最多可以转换6个学分以满足学位要求.


我们的调查硕士学位是36学分, 10门课程的学位,可以在10个月内完成. This accelerated curriculum allows you to earn your master’s degree at a pace consistent with your career goals while balancing it with your life demands.


如果你还没有准备好开始硕士学位课程, you may also start with one of our graduate certificate 项目 including Financial Crime Investigation, 网络犯罪的调查, 人口贩卖, 企业安全, 还有很多其他领域.



The job titles and salaries below will give you an idea of the possible careers you could pursue with this degree. 除了, those who work in law enforcement can increase their salary if they acquire knowledge of cyber and/or financial intelligence. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports a median salary of $67,290 for those with this expertise.










  • The course engages students in researching and evaluating current trends in money laundering, 用来揭露洗钱活动的侦查方法, 确定预防措施. 学生将接触到国际上的洗钱问题, 以及恐怖组织日益增加的存在, 有组织犯罪, 还有贩毒集团的洗钱活动.

  • 本课程涵盖银行保密法(BSA)的当前问题和变化。, 执行该法案的要求, 并对合规问题进行分析. Students will identify how to use BSA reporting requirements in combating money laundering, 贩卖及走私人口, 毒品走私, 以及其他类型的欺诈活动.

  • 在本课程中, 学生们研究身份盗窃调查, 特别关注合成身份, 信用卡欺诈, 以及盗用身份退税欺诈. 这门课程将研究欺诈是如何实施的, 罪犯如何清洗他们的犯罪所得, 以及肇事者从哪里以及如何获得泄露的信息. 将分析当前的案例研究.

  • This course provides an overview of the origins of Bitcoin and an explanation as to the "why" cryptocurrency was developed. 学生们将探索加密货币的起源, 是谁发明的?, 它是如何工作的, 热/冷/纸钱包, 区块链的安全性, 追踪加密货币地址. 该课程还研究了加密货币交易所在世界各地的运作方式, 消费者保护, 证券监管. Also featured: the Dark Web as it relates to cryptocurrency and how criminals and terrorists are exploiting the lack of law enforcement oversight to launder illegal proceeds while they purchase/pay for illicit activities and goods. 成功完成课程后, students obtain a Blockchain Intelligence Group (BIG) certificate for "Certified Cryptocurrency 调查员.”

  • This course introduced students to the concept of cyber threat intelligence and the role it plays in financial crime investigations. Cyber threat intelligence is information that can be used by organizations to identify threats that have currently, 或将, 瞄准他们的组织. A particular focus will be on how financial institutions can use cyber threat intelligence to collect information on threats and the actors behind them in order to mitigate attacks against their organization.

  • The 网赌上分平台 offers a wide variety of in-depth courses that create a transformational educational experience for our students. To view the complete list of courses you'll take while pursuing a Masters of Science, 查看学术目录:



Our faculty are leaders and innovators in their fields, bringing both deep professional experience 以及课堂上的学术严谨.


All 网赌上分平台 students have access to the many resources available through the University’s 职业发展中心它被评为全国最好的学校之一 普林斯顿评论.

来自职业评估, 网络, 从工作见习到校园面试和薪资谈判, the 职业发展中心 provides the skills and connections to identify a meaningful career and an opportunity to pursue your passion.


