
实习和合作教育的机会,监督与学科相关的工作经验. The work experience may be part-time or full-time and can be paid or unpaid. Important elements structured into the experience, which distinguish it from short-term job or volunteer work are:

  1. an intentional experiential learning strategy,
  2. an emphasis on professional development,
  3. performance assessments, and
  4. reflection and acknowledgment.

学生通过参加特定的实习或合作教育课程来满足体验式教育-实习和合作教育的要求. Enrollment in an internship or co-operative education course must be approved by the internship instructor or cooperative education coordinator. 注:实习和合作教育的体验式教育包括广泛的学习经验,如实习, 顶石, 野外研究, 等.

The following eight principles, considered the NSEE Standards of Practice, are necessary to establish a viable experiential learning opportunity.

Regardless of the experiential learning activity, both the experience and the learning are fundamental. 在学习过程中,在学习者和任何学习促进者之间的关系中, there is a mutual responsibility. All parties are empowered to achieve the principles which follow. 然而,, 同时, 学习的引导者应带头确保学习经验的质量和工作成果的质量, and in supporting the learner to use the principles, which underlie the pedagogy of experiential education.

  1. 意图:所有各方必须从一开始就清楚,为什么选择经验方法来学习将要发生的事情和将要展示的知识, applied or result from it. Intention represents the purposefulness that enables experience to become knowledge and, 像这样, is deeper than the goals, 目标, and activities that define the experience.
  2. 准备和计划:参与者必须确保他们进入经验有足够的基础来支持一个成功的经验. 他们还必须从经验/计划的最初阶段就关注已确定的意图, adhering to them as goals, 目标 and activities are defined. 最终的计划应包括这些意图,并由各方定期提及. 与此同时,它应该足够灵活,以便随着体验的展开进行适应.
  3. 真实性:游戏体验必须具有真实的世界背景,并且/或者在应用场景或情境中是有用和有意义的. 这意味着它的设计应该与那些将受其影响或使用它的人一致, or in response to a real situation.
  4. 反思:反思是将简单的经验转化为学习经验的要素. 为了发现和内化知识,学习者必须对所采取的决定和行动的结果进行假设和假设, then weigh the outcomes against past learning and future implications. This reflective process is integral to all phases of experiential learning, from identifying intention and choosing the experience, to considering preconceptions and observing how they change as the experience unfolds. Reflection is also an essential tool for adjusting the experience and measuring outcomes.
  5. 入职培训:为了让学习者和学习促进者都能充分利用经验的价值, and to any involved organizational partners, 至关重要的是,他们要准备好关于彼此的重要背景信息,以及关于体验将在其中进行的背景和环境的信息. Once that baseline of knowledge is addressed, 还应包括正在进行的结构化发展机会,以扩大学习者对其工作背景和技能要求的欣赏.
  6. 监控和持续改进:任何学习活动都是动态变化的, and the parties involved all bear responsibility for ensuring that the experience, 因为它正在进行中, continues to provide the richest learning possible, while affirming the learner. 重要的是,要有一个与学习意图和质量目标相关的反馈循环,并且经验的结构要足够灵活,允许根据反馈建议做出改变. 而反思则为基于记录经验的新假设和知识提供输入, 还应制定其他战略,根据意图和目标观察进展情况. Monitoring and continuous improvement represent the formative evaluation tools.
  7. 评估和评价:结果和过程应系统地记录初始意图和质量结果. 评估是发展和完善在经验规划阶段确定的具体学习目标和质量目标的一种手段, 而评价则提供了关于整个经验过程的全面数据,以及它是否达到了建议它的意图.
  8. 承认:通过反思和监测过程以及通过报告,在整个经验过程中承认学习和影响, documentation and sharing of accomplishments. 所有各方的经验都应包括在对进展和成就的承认中. 对学习和影响的最终记录和庆祝有助于为经验提供封闭性和可持续性.

Must an internship be paid?

We encourage compensating students for their contributions to your company. 薪酬可以帮助你吸引更多优秀的候选人,并巩固实习生的时间承诺. 许多学生通过自己的方式完成大学学业,经常放弃带薪的兼职工作,去做与学位相关的实习. 也, 汽油的成本是惊人的,而且不得不购买汽油去参加一份没有报酬的工作,这给学生带来了巨大的负担, so receiving some form of remuneration is appreciated. If you are part of non-profit organization and you are unable to offer a regular wage, consider helping the student with internship-related expenses such as parking fees, 里程, 餐, 等. 一些公司通过为“项目”或“合同任务”支付合理的津贴来解决“雇佣实习生”的问题。.

Unpaid student employment will not violate the Fair Labor Standards Act if it is a training program which meets all of the following criteria:

  1. the training should be similar to that given in a vocational setting,
  2. the experience is for the benefit of the student,
  3. students do not do the work of a regular employee,
  4. 场地主办者提供培训,并没有从学生的活动中获得直接的好处。,
  5. 在培训期结束时,学生不一定有资格获得一份工作
  6. 网站赞助商和学生都明白,学生没有资格获得培训时间的工资.