

Department of Human 科学 - History

Ph.D., History 和 Sociology of 科学, University of Pennsylvania
M.A. History 和 Sociology of 科学, University of Pennsylvania
M.A., Modern European 佛罗里达大学历史系
B.A. 佛罗里达大学历史系


My research focuses on large technological systems, also known as infrastructure, 主要在德国. Why 和 how were systems for water, transportation, energy, 和 communications built, 和 how were they operated? Building 和 operating infrastructures required careful attention to the knowledge 和 know-how needed to resolve problems at local, regional, national, 和 transnational levels of governance. 这些问题 involved economic, social, political, 和 environmental issues in the hidden -- 和 sometimes not so hidden -- technological integration of regions 和 nations. 自 it may be clear if infrastructures work, they provide a basis for comparative history. Where do they work 和 why do they work? Part of Science 和 Technology Studies, this research area provides an interdisciplinary approach to the world in which we live.

At the 网赌上分平台, I teach several courses in Science 和 Technology Studies: the history of 科学, the history of technology, environmental history, 和 an interdisciplinary course combining the history, sociology, 和 philosophy of 科学. In addition, I teach German History, The Modern Western World, 和 Europe 在二十世纪. My most recent special topics course investigated the age 1914年到1945年间的战争.

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         "Coordinating the Local: Building Water Regimes in the Ruhr 和 Louisiana," 图标: Journal of the international Committee for the 科技史 18 (2012), 1-34.

         "Technology, L和scape, Culture, 和 Music in Bochum 和 Bayou: 1880-1930," in Technik zwischen Artes und Arts; Technology between Artes 和 Arts: Festschrift für Hans-Joachim布劳恩. Pp. 103-115. Edited by Reinhold Bauer, James Williams, 和 Wolfhard Weber. 明斯特: Waxmann 2008.

          "L和scaping the Ruhr as a Vacation Wonderl和: Building the Twentieth Century 第十七次." 图标 10 (2004), 123-138.

          "Engineering Politics, Technological Fundamentalism, 和 German Power Technology, 1900-1936."  In Technologies of Power: Essays in Honor of Thomas Parke Hughes 和 Agatha Chipley Hughes. Pp. 145-174.  Edited by Michael Thad Allen 和 Gabrielle Hecht.  剑桥,麻州: 麻省理工学院出版社,2001.

          "Building a Hybrid L和scape to Purify the Ruhr Region, 1890-1935." 科技史 22 (2000), 25-42.

          "Von Essen zur regionalen Stromversorgung, 1890-1920.  Das Rheinisch-Westfalische Elektrizitatswerk."  In Elektrizitätswirtschaft zwischen Umwelt, Technik und Politik: Aspekte aus 100 Jahren RWE-Geschichte, 1898 - 1998.  Pp. 17-49.  赫尔穆特·迈尔编辑.  Freiberg: TU Bergakademie Freiberg, 1999.

          “普鲁士 L和rate 和 Modern Technology: Electricity as a Source of Power in the Ruhr, 1900-1915."  图标 2 (1996), 83-107.

          "Building a Pumped Storage Station on the Ruhr, 1920-1930."  IEEE电力工程评论 16(1996年4月),39-41.

          "Electric Ploughs in Wilhelmine Germany: Failure of an Agricultural System."  科学社会研究 22 (1992), 263-281.

          "Industry, State, 和 Electrical Technology in the Ruhr circa 1900."  奥西里斯 5 (1989), 243-259.

          "Industrial Structure, Progressives, 和 the Development of Chemical Engineering 1900-1915年在哥伦比亚大学."  In Technology 和 Technological 科学 in History: Proceedings of the ICOHTEC-Symposium 德累斯顿,25.-29. 1986年8月.  Pp. 267-270.  Edited by Rolf Sonnemann 和 Klaus Krug.  柏林:VEB Deutscher Verlag 《网赌上分平台》,1987年.

          "A Tale of Three Cities: Electrification 和 the Structure of Choice in 鲁尔(1886-1900."  科学社会研究 17 (1987), 387-412.

          评论在 Alemannia学生, Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 商业史上, 商业史上 Review, Enterprise & So环境的历史, 德国政治与社会, 伊西斯, 《网赌上分平台》, 自然, 科学,科技与文化.


Wye 教师 Seminar, Summer 2004

咨询编辑器, 科技与文化, 1996-2006

Robinson Prize Committee, Society for the 科技史 (SHOT), 1994-1996.  椅子上,1996.

Advisory Council, SHOT, 1993-1996

DAAD Summer Seminar, "The Kaiserreich Recast: Culture, Politics, Modernity,"     University 宾夕法尼亚州,1990年

网赌上分平台 Summer 研究 Grant, 1989

ACLS 奖助金-in-Aid, Summer 1986


Mellon 研究生 Fellowship, University of Pennsylvania, 1982-1983

Fulbright Scholar, Germany, 1979-1981

Teaching Fellow, University of Pennsylvania, 1976-1979

University of Florida-Tübingen Universität Exchange Fellowship, 1974-1975

Phi Kappa Phi Honor So我 1974

研究生 Council Fellowship, University of Florida, 1973-1974

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