

数学专区提供了一个 以学生为中心 educational experience in mathematics that is targeted to each student's unique learning style. It is located in North Hall, directly adjacent to Echlin Hall, and is a part of the 数学系.

我们的设施寻求创造一个 个性化教育体验 学生在其中学习 数学老师和导师的支持. Student learning is supplemented by an online platform that adapts when students 证明掌握 and delivers precise instruction in areas of difficulty.


The faculty will provide students with mini-lectures, 通过指导实践提供支持, and assistance with navigating the software. They will monitor student progress and guide them in the mathematics learning process.

The 数学区域 is an innovation in mathematics education, merging e-learning technology with direct teaching methods to enhance student success.

We are always striving to enhance and enrich our operations to optimize learning and to help foster student success.


Our vision is divided into three components: 人, Metacognition, and 内容.

  • Develop a diverse and inclusive environment that allows for an establishment of trust between students, 导师, 和老师

  • Redefine the student role of learning and foster more in-depth understanding

  • Empower our students to enable them to advocate for themselves

  • Aid students in developing autonomous lifelong learning skills

  • Encourage students to explore complex mathematical concepts

  • Enrich students' mathematical skills through a supportive and encouraging environment that fosters student inquiry

元认知/ Metathinking

  • Aid students in translating their skills into real-life applications

  • Help students enrich their critical thinking

  • Encourage students to create their own questions to demonstrate a higher understanding

  • Enhance students' creativity in problem solving


  • Provide a unique learning experience through a blend of modern technology and pedagogy

  • Aid students in differentiating among multiple representations of mathematical information

Approach to Teaching and 在数学区学习

教师 in the 数学区域 are fully prepared to assist students with the software and guide them through the process of learning mathematics. Tutors are available to work one-on-one with students to help them master the material.


  1. 节省时间和金钱*

  2. Mastery-focused进展

  3. Student-centered and adaptive instruction

*You may complete more than course in a single semester. You may also begin a second course and complete it in the following term.


  1. Practice, practice, practice: In addition to the 3个小时 of actual seat time, prepare to spend another 6个小时 每周 使用 霍克斯学习软件

  2. Make use of the many resources available to students:

    • 在线教科书
    • 霍克斯学习视频
    • Examples/Solutions/Step-by-Step Instructions
    • 在线辅导
    • 可定制的练习考试
    • 还有更多
  3. 辅导数学区域开放时间


The 数学区域 uses a mentored and adaptive learning environment for teaching MATH 1108 College Math, MATH1110大学代数, 和数学1115微积分预科.

  • 指导 means that you have 导师 assisting with your learning.

  • 自适应 means that your curriculum is customized to your learning needs.

The nature of the 数学区域 environment demands 个人责任. The 数学区域 requires that each student become directly engaged in their own learning and take charge of the time they spend studying.


Students are provided detailed instructions on how to access their 数学区域 course and how to attend classes each week. 还向他们展示了如何访问他们的 帆布帐 for course materials and the Hawkes Learning website for assignments and tests.

这些不是在线课程. Testing – and some of your weekly studying – must be done in the 数学区域.

Our mission is to engage students in their own learning. We are committed to providing every student with an 个性化学习机会  that will establish foundational math skills for life.